Harvest – The Journal (e-ISSN 2456-6551)

Harvest is an English lanuage open access multidisciplinary peer-reviewed online journal published bi – annually in June and December. The articles from the Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences may be classified under (but not necessarily limited to) the following categories:

  • Original, Plagiarism free research work
  • Review on significant and contemporary issues of research
  • Environment and Society
  • Innovations in teaching/learning methodology
  • Inclusive Education
  • Students’ Project/Dissertation work .
  • Book reviews

There is no page charge involved and publishing in “Harvest” is completely free of cost.

Dr. Supatra Sen
Associate Professor in Botany
Asutosh College


Dr. Supatra Sen
Associate Professor in Botany
Asutosh College

Smt. Sumitra Sen
Selection Grade Lecturer(Retd.),
Department of English,
Victoria Institution College,

Contact Address :
 2,Gopal Ghosh Lane
Kidderpore , Kolkata -700023
West Bengal.

Mobile : 9874977875

Place of Publication :
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Harvest Volume 9 No. 1 2024

Harvest Volume 8 No. 2 2023

Harvest Volume 8 No. 1 2023

Harvest Special Volume 2022

HARVEST Volume 7 no.2

Indexed By

Current Issue No : 13

A Bridge

‘Harvest’ brings together several like-minded from diverse institutions and organizations – from the school, to the college, to the university and even the corporate house.

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The Journal

It is an English open access multidisciplinary peer-reviewed online journal published bi-annually. The articles from the Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences...

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The Team

Team 'Harvest' comprises of experts and veterans of various Disciplines who have shown excellence in their professional and academic accomplishments

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